Transaction History (last-2)

Transfer to Paypal

07 Jan 2019, 09:12AM

Tranfer to Stripe

07 Jan 2019, 09:12AM


last 5 Invoices

Admin dashboard design

Broadcast web app mockup

15 minutes ago

30 tasks, 5 issues

Wordpress Development

Upload new design

1 hour ago

23 tasks, 5 issues

Project meeting

New project discussion

35 minutes ago

15 tasks, 2 issues

Broadcast Mail

Sent release details to team

55 minutes ago

35 tasks, 7 issues

UI Design

New application planning

50 minutes ago

27 tasks, 4 issues

Grand Total Last Month



11.38% Since last month
Total CGST Last Month



9.61% Since last month
Total IGST Last Month



2.27% Since last month

Top Paid Invoices

Client Name Order No Product Cost Project Payment Mode Start Date Payment Status
image Henry Klein 02312 $14,500 Dashboard Credit card 04 Dec 2019
image Estella Bryan 02312 $14,500 Website Cash on delivered 04 Dec 2019
image Lucy Abbott 02312 $14,500 App design Credit card 04 Dec 2019
image Peter Gill 02312 $14,500 Development Online Payment 04 Dec 2019
image Sallie Reyes 02312 $14,500 Website Credit card 04 Dec 2019
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